
Unclaimed Scholarships don’t get any Easier!

easier scholarships
Zinch Unclaimed Scholarships

When it comes to looking for unclaimed scholarships, it don’t get any easier then the following student award offered by Zinch. And it keeps on repeating every week so you have something to look forward to all year long when you apply to this easy scholarship.

But – you must apply to it to win it!!

It’s called the $1,000 Weekly Scholarship.

It is sponsored by Zinch. I know it’s kind of a unusual sounding name, but they’re reputable and you may want to consider apply to it.

You may just may want to find out who Zinch is and see how can they offer these easier scholarships. Since they are offered once a week you do not want to see them go unclaimed.

Zinch connects student with scholarships from across the world based on their own profile. This saves students time, and as we all know time is precious today – there never seems to be enough of it in one day, or ever for that matter – right?

Zinch strives to make the procedure of looking for some type for financial aid fun for every student who applys to their website. You can interact with other students who are also going through the same time consuming , and frustrating process as you when looking for monies to pay your way through college.

Zinch has a management team that works behind the scenes for you.

This is a cool twist on things here!

It almost sounds like a sort of social student networking doesn’t it?

The Zinch weekly scholarship itself is simple to apply to. You basically register and write a 3-sentence essay.

Yes – you will have to give them some personal information about yourself when you register and sign up for their weekly scholarship, but no more then what’s necessary.

By now you will have been used to the standard information you must provide for a chance at a student financial award so the information you have to give to be a part of this weekly scholarship will seem normal.

You must be a current college student, or high school senior too.

Zinch has many other scholarships to consider and not just their weekly scholarship. In fact you can be notified on when they are available so you can apply to them – via email or text!

Keep in mind Zinch wants to connect you with a college that is the right fit for you, and the colleges they work with are looking for a certain student profile to award the scholarship.

It seems like a win, win, win situation and it may be just that too! They only drawback is you may get a whole lot of emails from potential colleges who want you, but you have no interest in them whatsoever. This may be because you may not want to attend college where the scholarship is being awarded.

This is not a bad thing, but you must consider all your options and not just one or two when it comes to receiving easy unclaimed scholarships.

What is very appealing about the Zinch website is that it’s very uncluttered and easy on the eyes. It’s not confusing whatsoever, and it appears very easy to navigate through – which we love!

Many scholarship websites have a way of paralyzing you when you come to their front homepage. You just don’t know what to do next.

Zinch is simple scholarship browsing and you pretty much know what you want to do when you arrive on each page you come to. Less is more in describing the Zinch website.

You sometimes wonder why more websites aren’t like this. Most are not though.

We are not by the way connected to Zinch whatsoever, or receive any advertising monies to promote them. We are just writing about how we feel about them and their services.

If you want to apply to some quick and easy unclaimed scholarships you may want to first start off with their Zinch Weekly Scholarships, because from there everything else will flow very nicely. It doesn’t take much time at all either and you should be glad you did!

You may ALSO discover a number of OTHER unclaimed scholarships that are quick and easier then most to apply to.

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