
Earn a Unusual Woodworking Scholarship and go to Woodworking School

How can you earn money for woodworking school just by being able to read woodworking plans?

Would it surprise you to learn that unusual woodworking scholarship opportunities are available to people who spend more time at a woodworking bench than a study table?  Read here to learn how you can benefit from one of your favorite hobbies and attend a woodworking school.

Are you more interested in carpentry or construction than you are in philosophy or literature? If this describes you, the College of the Redwoods may be a perfect fit. Located in Eureka, California, this woodworking college offers unusual opportunities for educational monies related to building and construction.

The Brian Hamill woodworking scholarship award, however, is offered to honor the wife of founder Bob Wandruff. This unusual woodworking scholarship grant, provides $100 to a student pursuing a woodworking education. The winner must maintain a grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.5.

Other woodworking scholarships are available to students interested in attending woodworking programs at other accredited universities. The Association of Woodworking and Furnishings Suppliers (AWFS) offers woodworking college tuition assistance to students interested in woodworking training. These woodworking scholarship grants offer between $500 and $4,000 to eligible recipients each year. This woodworking award is renewable for a maximum of four years. In addition, candidates must maintain a 2.5 GPA and be enrolled in a woodworking training program.

Students with a parent who is a member of the AWFS may apply for other monies instead. These member scholarships are awarded to candidates based on financial need and academic achievement. They are available to high school seniors and college undergraduates. Applicants must submit Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) scores or Achievement Test (ACT) scores to qualify. Minimum GPA requirements vary depending on the student’s educational level. Both the Maury Osgrove Scholarship and the Merit Scholarship are available to qualifying students. The cash award for each woodworking grant scholarship is $3,000.

Other woodworking scholarship programs are being established at the University of Rio Grande, located in Rio Grande, Ohio. The founder of the school’s first fine woodworking scholarship is Bob Bartine, a man who enjoys woodworking design. His generosity was prompted by the decision of other members of the Western Ohio Woodworker’s Club, who decided to fund a woodworking financial aid scholarship in honor of a late member, George Reid.

This woodworking fund will be endowed for $10,000. The first woodworking award is expected to occur in the fall of 2008 or the spring of 2009. Students applying for this award will compete for the unusual honor of being this woodworking scholarship’s first recipient. If you are interested in attending the woodworking college of Rio Grande and wish to major in one of these woodworking school programs, don’t allow this exciting unusual scholarship opportunity go unclaimed! Put your talents to work and demonstrate why one of your woodworking projects ought to help you gain carpentry scholarships for a woodworking education to finance part of your college.

Woodworking is more than just a hobby that will help you pass spare time and make an attractive gift. Your skills could win you a valuable woodworking grant or scholarship. Don’t let this unique opportunity pass you by!


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Here’s some Unusual and Weird Scholarships that are Uncommon.

A Military Scholarship is not Unusual but may go Unclaimed.

A Burger King Scholarship Program is also a good option to look into for a nice scholarship.

Macdonalds Scholarships are good too. Very generous with reasonable qualifying.

High school seniors can apply to the Elks Club Scholarship

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