
Some Unusual Scholarship Contests may be left Unclaimed


If you need college money, here are some unusual scholarship contests that may go unclaimed by many students because they don’t take the time to enter into them? Are you willing to get creative in order to win an award that will help defray your tuition costs? If your grades are lackluster, and you aren’t a world-class athlete, you may want to consider entering a college scholarship contest to help finance your education.

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Many scholarship foundations recognize that students who do not have stellar grades may still have a high potential for academic success. Perhaps these students were ill, and missed several days of school at critical times.

Alternatively, some young people must work hard during high school and college to earn money to live and to eat. These and a number of factors often prevent hardworking, intelligent people from earning the grades they deserve. Essay contests for scholarships are an excellent way to afford unusual opportunities to students who might not otherwise be offered educational assistance.

College scholarship essay contests typically encourage students to be creative. They may ask candidates to offer their thoughts on developing a solution to a problem.

Alternatively, the scholarship essay contest may require individuals to learn about prominent citizens and to share their thoughts on the contributions these people have made to society. For example, the CrossLites Scholarship Contest offers $1,500 to the student who offers the most informative insights about Dr. Charles Parker.

Another scholarship competition that requires a written essay is the Ayn Rand Essay Scholarship Contest. This college scholarship essay contest offers awards to three categories of applicants. Students who are freshmen or sophomores in high school may enter by responding to essay questions about a popular Ayn Rand novelette.

In comparison, high school juniors and seniors are asked to respond to directed questions about a novel written by the same author. Even students already enrolled in college are eligible to enter a scholarship contest centered on yes another novel written by Rand. The prizes given to winners of these contests range from $50 to $10,000.

High school students can also enter a variety of other unusual scholorship contests, such as the Save Me a Spot in College Scholarship Contest. Qualified applicants will submit an essay explaining why the current leaders in California government ought to offer the student and his or her peers a spot in college. More than $100,000 will be offered as prizes to over 100 persons throughout the state of California. Between $500 and $2,500 will be awarded to winning candidates.

Many companies have stopped offering scholarships sweepstakes or monetary awards whose winners have been selected through drawings. Tighter regulations govern scholarship contests, and many companies have quit offering these unique and unusual scholarships altogether. Others have implemented scholarship essay contests as an alternative means of selecting winners. This situation has left many of these scholarships unclaimed because many students are not pursuing this as aggressively as in past years.

Remember this in addition: scholarship contests held by companies that insist you must purchase something in order to enter or win are not legitimate competitions. No legitimate scholarship requires you to spend money in order to apply or accept the award. Do your homework, and make sure you aren’t cheated out of the money you have already worked hard to earn!

*How to find a Student Loan Scholarship.

College Scholarship Sweepstakes are an Unusual Way to Finance Your Education.

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All types of unclaimed college scholarships.

Unclaimed College Scholarships are Unusual, Weird, Strange and Wacky.

Essay Scholarship Contests for College

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